Saturday, 24 August 2013

Why I want to be an author.

I should start with why I chose to write a novel.  My name is HonestAuthor, so I should start honestly, and continue in that fashion.  Anyone can have a life.  Anyone, barring medical complications of course, can have kids.  It's not enough for me to simply leave a trail of DNA behind.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I love my kids, I love my friends, and I want to stay on this beautiful planet as long as possible.  However, I would like my family and those who know me to have something more to remember me by than just being there for them.  I want to leave an indelible mark somewhere, somehow, and in a good way, that they can chat to others about when talking about me.  I suppose it's pretty vain in a way, but who else has ever wondered what will happen when they die?  Probably nothing.  Life goes on, and life is for the living.  After all, if we were constantly thinking about the loss of those who have passed on, how could we ever enjoy ourselves?  So, after that rather depressing introduction, I will do my very best to remain upbeat.  I will document every stage of the writing process, share "secrets" of how to write and be noticed by readers (I use the inverted commas because I do not know what those secrets are yet), and generally portray the ups and downs of being a writer.  If nothing else, it's good therapy.

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